<aside> 🔑 Don’t worry about the answers. It does not need to be so “final”. This held me back personally from ever really contemplating these questions for such a long time. The answers are not final. They may change. And you can’t FAIL at this 😉


<aside> 🔍 Simply be curious. If you don’t have anything to say or write. Start with “I don’t really know what to write here. I wonder why that is? Perhaps it’s because …” Just let it flow. The ACT itself , IS the thing.


<aside> ✅ There are no “right” or “wrong” answers. Don’t beat yourself up for things you “haven’t” done or “should have” done. Just try to be honest with yourself and have some fun. 🙂 You are doing this, you are doing great!


<aside> 🕛 There is no need to stress about this. I know, I’ve been there. You want the “conditions” to be PERFECT. Because it’s so IMPORTANT etc. And then we delay doing it. The conditions will never be perfect. Just set some relatively quiet time aside and start writing. No quiet space? Go to the bathroom for extended period if you can’t find any other time or space. 🚽


1. What would my ideal life look like in 5 years?

2. How has being “realistic” or “responsible” kept me from the life I want?

3. What would someone in my exact position do, to do my 5 year plan in 5 months?

4. If I had all the money and time in the world, what would I do?

5. What would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail?

6. What were the three most defining moments of my life?

7. What past events do you worry about, over-think, or replay in your mind all the time? How do these thoughts influence your current self?